A2 Production; SWITCH

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Outsider comments

In order to have a varied opinion of my posters i asked numerous friends of mine who are not media students to tell me what they think. They gave me valuable feedback as they hadn't yet viewed the finished film so just like in the real world; they would get a feel of the film through the posters alone.

Olivia French - "i can see by the first one its got a gangster feel to it, but then the third poster looks funny because of the character's facial expressions. Is the film about cars?"

Millie Crowley - "The second one is my favourite because the image links with the title. The two people in the picture are obviously switching something and the title of the film is called switch so i think you cleverly linked the image with the film title."

Jack De Looper - "This looks like a film i'd enjoy watching. Its got a breifcase and cars - seems like my kind of movie!"

George Rowden - "From the first and second poster i get an essence of mystery about what actually happens in the film but then the third poster communicates comedy to me? All three combined seem to give a kind of mobster film but one that's funny. Like gangsters gone wrong or something?"

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