A2 Production; SWITCH

Sunday 12 December 2010

Changing our film idea

Our original group idea was a dark story based on an alcoholic father driving his wife away from the family but the story would be told/seen through the eyes of their son.

Once we received our feedback from Miss Nair as well as our classmates, myself, Yasmin and Sharon felt really disappointed with the reaction. Our teacher thought and said we could do a lot better and suggested we work on the plot points of the film.

Although we walked away completely disliking the idea altogether. So we started to think of a new one! At the beginning of the coursework when we found out we would be making a film on the theme of the fall - everyone assumed it had to be dark and miserable as "the fall" isn't a very positive subject. This is how we generated ideas for "SWITCH." A Guy Ritchie inspired film that we would make comedic along with a clever storyline. We all agreed this would be a lot more creative as oppose to the typical "drunken dad" kind of story.

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