A2 Production; SWITCH

Monday 13 December 2010

Guy Ritchie Films

The initial inspiration for our film is very similar to the styling of Guy Ritchie directed productions. Audiences who like the films he makes would be interested in our film as they share similar themes.

This is the trailer for the film "Snatch" directed by Guy Ritchie and this is the feel and style we hope to lace our film with. The comedic-gangster production is original and i think would be very fun to work with. The main challenge i can see coming with making a film like this is the fact that a lot of the comedy comes from the dialogue E.g. The irish accent of Brad Pitt not being understood. Yet we cannot use techniques like this as our film has to be silent. None the less, this is our strongest idea and i am really looking forward to making it.

Alongisde this film is Rock N Rolla also directed by Guy Ritchie. This has the same Ritchie stamp on it as it is a story about a real-estate scam putting millions of pounds up for grabs, attracting some of the city's scrappiest tough guys and its more established underworld types; all of whom are looking to get rich quick. The fast paced mobster atmosphere is present and the fact that the story follows criminals trying to get rich quick, it links to themes of our own film.

The main difference is that our film will not contain blood, guns and violence so it still opens the target audience for a wider market.

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