A2 Production; SWITCH

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Del Boy and Rodders

To understand how we are going to direct our desired characters, i have to research into the world of double acts. To understand what makes them funny, how their personalities have to bounce off one another and what traits they must protray in order to make the film work!

Del Boy and Rodney
- 2 simple minded crooks!
- not necessarily bad people but willing to do bad things for money.
DEL BOY - Derek Trotter, or Del Boy, is a loveable Cockney rogue and wheeler dealer. He spent the 1980s and early 1990s slaving away with his market stall flogging what can only be described as dodgy gear.
However his luck changed in 1996 when an antique watch hidden in his garage made him an overnight millionaire. He lived the high life for 5 years before losing it all in 2001 due to a stock market crash.

RODNEY - Rodders, as he is often referred to by his big brother, has stuck by Del through thick and thin. After leaving school with two GCEs in Art and Maths, he was expelled from Art College for dabbling with drugs!
Without much going for him Rodney managed to rise to the challenge of being Financial Director of Trotters Independent Traders. (the brothers family business). He is recognised by an audience as more Del boys' side kick and the run around in their schemes.

From this i can see that the brotherly bond builds a strong connection and the pair being as simple minded as they are, its understandable they get themselves into silly situations!

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