A2 Production; SWITCH

Wednesday 13 October 2010

How to make money fast

When considering making a comedy surrounding a double act making money fast, i thought it relevant to research quick money making schemes that we could incoporate in our film. It was actually quite interesting to find the amount of websites that offer advice on how to make money in a short space of time.

- Actually GET A JOB!
- Sell something you own
- Become a street performer
- Beg on the streets
- Make a fake charity and beg for donations (illegal)
- Open a lemonade stand
- Have a boot sale/yard sale
- Start saving odd change although this is more of a long term, legitimate techinque!
- Sign up for medical tests
- Door-to-door sales
- Donate plasma
- Donate sperm (men only)
- Sell stuff to motorists stuck in traffic
- Scalp tickets for conerts/theatre
- Go scavenging with your metal detector!
- Gamble and pray lady luck is on your side
- Become a drug dealer! <<< there is actually a site for that :/

I thought that these ideas could generate more for us to use in our film. Not only would these sort of ideas be clear to show but they would also be funny as they can be deemed ridiculous and unrealistic - Exactly what we're looking for for our film!

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