A2 Production; SWITCH

Thursday 21 October 2010

Interesting Camera Techniques

Another interesting camera technique that i have discovered during A2 Media is the use of graphic matches. The first recognisable example of this was in Robert Le Plage's FAR SIDE OF THE MOON. It was very cleverly shown how a model of a rocket was created by him then dissolved into a moving image of a real rocket launching.

i do not yet know where this would fit correctly in our film but i think if it could work it would make our film more advanced and really show our progression from AS to A2 level.

I think this would be a good technique to use for a transistion into another acene. I can picture Frank and Charlie sitting on a kurb down in the dumps after the cookie sales failed and to then flow into the blindman scene, we would use a graphic match of their bodie sitting on steps and with the blind fold on Charlie.

Below is the trailer of Far Side of the Moon which gave me the inspiration for this idea. Le Plage uses A LOT of very interesting techniques to make his film stand out.

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