A2 Production; SWITCH

Thursday 21 October 2010

Interesting Camera Techniques

Breaking The Fourth Wall

the fourth wall is the imaginary wall between the audience and the world of a film. The camera is what restricts the on screen images to engage with the audience.


If you break through this wall and allow the world of the film to address the audience this can add a new depth to the film. i think this would be useful to use whenever Frank gets a fabulous idea in the film. By simply winking at the camera or even just acknowledging its existence, the audience feel let in and involved in the scheme. In addition to this, as Charlie is quite clueless in the scheme making it adds a layer of knowledge to the audience. As if they are more up to speed with Franks cunning mind than Charlie is.

Breaking the fourth wall is present in the film Ferris Bueller's day off. He talks directly to the camera and invites the audience in on his plans.

This is just a quick snippet from the film and a clear example of how he directly communicates with the audience.

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