A2 Production; SWITCH

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Character Motivation - PETER PAN

In order to create my own successful characters i analysed existing ones that could have an unexpected backstory. So to shake things up a bit i made up some interview questions and answered them a lot more twisted than people would think the answers would be. This then gave Peter Pan a completely different depth to his character which i think is very clever.

Q: In your film, you live by the idea of never growing up, why is this?

A: well why grow up when being a kid is so much fun? you have no real responsibilities, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do and you're your own person - not what your parents want you to be.

Q: you appear to have no parents in the film though so why would that be an issue?

A: I'd rather not talk about my parents if you don't mind...

Q: Well, i think it would help me understand your character more if we could talk about your upbringing...?

A: my parents didn't love me; is that a good enough understanding?

Q: I'm dreadfully sorry Mr. Pan but how do you know this? every parent loves their child even if they do not show it that often? what gives you this horrid assumption?

A: it's no assumption! my dad would beat me for making up stories and wanting to live in Neverland - he didn't believe in fairies and the lost boys and so tried to hit it out of me. i wasn't like a regular kid i didn't pay attention in school i was way too wrapped in my own imagination because that's the only place that was safe. My mum? didn't even try and stop him. Not once. Niether of them loved me. So i went to a land where that wouldn't matter.

Q: So when you arrived in Neverland how did you become such a well known person? Among the pirates, Indians and mermaids? they all love and appreciate you in the film?

A: exactly. they all love me because they appreciate my imagination and creativity. That's why i have always wanted to live in Neverland. i was never a bad kid just not normal in my dads eyes was all.

Q: so what about now? do you still live in Neverland?

A: yep sure do! and that's where I'll always live - it's where i belong :)

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