A2 Production; SWITCH

Monday 13 September 2010

Down and Out

Following the guidance of a simple idea executed brilliantly i would portray the fall through society by using point of view takes for the entire film. Having point of view shots showing the camera go to numerous members of society and they all giving the camera odd looks and dirty looks before the camera turns to its reflection to reveal they're actually a homeless person.

Abiding by the same concept of a fall through society i would depict the literal drop through occupations. In my mind i picture it outside of a train station or even at a bus stop. People passing by and coming and going in a busy environment from all walks of life. Focusing on at first a businessman, then someone in a shop uniform, followed by a maintenance worker in a flourescent yellow jacket and then finally leading to a tramp begging for change.

Actually following each occupational man from the idea previous but doing it in one long take - the businessman followed to the train station and the shop worker coming out. Following the shop worker down the road where a builder is working that will then lead to a man in a green uniform collecting litter with a litter pick which he will then walk past shops with a homeless person sitting outside.

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