A2 Production; SWITCH

Monday 13 September 2010

The Final Fall

Through the inspiration and emotion i felt for the film 'My Sister's Keeper' i thought of the idea of falling ill to be a good starting point for my short film. This is because it has to be a silent film and so moving instrumental music can work well with the overall atmosphere and tone of my film.
Following Robert McKees advice focusing on the action and reaction of the characters the audience would be pulled into the world of a family affected by a horrible illness that is fatal for the patient. For this to be emotional but not boring or unsuccessful i would picture a young girl/boy in a hospital bed surrounded by their family members all upset and silent. i would use point of view shots and wide shots to illustrate the closeness of the family. for sound i would use diegetic on screen sound of a heart monitor beeping at a regular rate and to make the film more interesting i would incorporate flashbacks everytime the ill patient looked at another family member and the flashback would contain their favourite memory with that person.

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