A2 Production; SWITCH

Monday 13 September 2010


An interesting story i found when researching already existing ones is the falling man. He jumped out of the world trade centre during the terrorist attacks of the 11th of September 2001. It has been said that his identity is still unknown but he jumped from the North Tower where one of the planes had hit. He jumped to his death to escape the fire and smoke although obviously didn't survive. This death was classified as a homicide not suicide as a 'jumper' is one that would come to the office that day with the knowledge that they were going to commit suicide. He was forced out of the building through panic and terror. This picture is deceptive; it gives the impression the man is falling straight down. In reality, this is just one of a dozen photographs of his fall. In the other photos, it is evident that he is tumbling through the air out of control. The photographer has noted that, in at least two cases, newspaper stories commenting on the image have attracted a lot of criticism from readers who have found the image disturbing. I feel that it is indeed shocking but more so because it is a real life image from the world in which we live today.

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