A2 Production; SWITCH

Monday 13 September 2010

How can stories be told...?

The Uninvited (2009)
This film begins with a girl named Anna who is staying in a mental institue for trying to kill herself. The reason why she tried to kill herself is because she is going through depression and greif after her mothers death. The way the story is illustrated to the audience is genius in tricking them to believe one thing but then unravels the truth at the end. The whole way through this film i thought it was so predictable and obvious that the 'evil stepmother character' was responsible for Anna's mothers death however due to the fact that Anna was in a mental house at the beginning of the film i really should have questioned her reliability further!

Inception (2010)
In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job till date, Inception.
Inception is the art of planting an idea in ones mind and convincing them it was their own idea. By doing this in a dream, when they awaken it will seem like it was all down to their own creativity and imagination. This is one of the most amzing films i have ever seen due to the fact its told through dreams. A dream within a dream, within a dream, within a dream to be precise :)

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