A2 Production; SWITCH

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Thoughts of the groups first meeting 29/9/2010

I can honestly say i am very happy with the enthusiasm and energy within my group. It consists of myself, Sharon and Yasmin and we are all very passionate about the subject and have countless ideas of what we can and should incorporate in our film. Every idea we presented separately was heard and noted by each member and not once did we disagree. Not only am i happy with the amount of ideas we have but the fact that we all understand each other and work very dynamically; i feel we could produce some amazing work!
We each presented the ideas we have posted on our blogs to illustrate how much research we have each carried out and to prove that we are ready to begin planning for our coursework.
There really were just endless ideas that came out of todays meet and greet:
- a mystery at the beginning that is revealed at the end
- Dreaming - our own world where anything can happen - falling asleep
- falling ill - my sisters keeper
- Everyone has a weakness - Kryptonite is supermans and he is the most famous hero in the world??
- substance abuse - fall through reality
- the fall AND rise...?
- the fall through society
- Loss of innocence
- We ♥ Graphic Matching :) - Rober Lepage
- Fall - Autumn
- Falling from success once being at their peak
- DEATH - ultimate fall
- Falling out (with friends)
- Falling from grace
- Falling in love
- Falling OUT of love
- Subtitles for silent film?
- effects onscreen - black and white? sepia?
- use of shadows and lighting.

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