A2 Production; SWITCH

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Thoughts of the groups first meeting 29/9/2010

I can honestly say i am very happy with the enthusiasm and energy within my group. It consists of myself, Sharon and Yasmin and we are all very passionate about the subject and have countless ideas of what we can and should incorporate in our film. Every idea we presented separately was heard and noted by each member and not once did we disagree. Not only am i happy with the amount of ideas we have but the fact that we all understand each other and work very dynamically; i feel we could produce some amazing work!
We each presented the ideas we have posted on our blogs to illustrate how much research we have each carried out and to prove that we are ready to begin planning for our coursework.
There really were just endless ideas that came out of todays meet and greet:
- a mystery at the beginning that is revealed at the end
- Dreaming - our own world where anything can happen - falling asleep
- falling ill - my sisters keeper
- Everyone has a weakness - Kryptonite is supermans and he is the most famous hero in the world??
- substance abuse - fall through reality
- the fall AND rise...?
- the fall through society
- Loss of innocence
- We ♥ Graphic Matching :) - Rober Lepage
- Fall - Autumn
- Falling from success once being at their peak
- DEATH - ultimate fall
- Falling out (with friends)
- Falling from grace
- Falling in love
- Falling OUT of love
- Subtitles for silent film?
- effects onscreen - black and white? sepia?
- use of shadows and lighting.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Character Motivation - Sara Fitzgerald

Q: What were the first thoughts running riot in your head when you found out your daughter had leukemia?

A: I didn't think; i felt. a range of emotions pulsating through my body. First shock and terror quickly changing into anger and frustration. i was crushed. My little baby was dying, i mean how the hell am i meant to come to terms with that?

Q: I understand this must be hard for you I'm very sorry for your loss. What were your first plans of action to fight the illness?

A: We consulted doctors and began treatment on Katie in the forms of Chemotherapy but it wasn't enough. One doctor then suggested we generate a designer baby - born to donate to Kate and keep her alive for as long as possible.

Q: As a mother though, did you not think it morally wrong to have another baby for this purpose?

A: Tell me then wise guy what would you have done?

Q: this isn't about me Mrs. Fitzgerald I'm just trying to understand your character better...

A: I know its horrible in the sense Anna didn't have a choice but she kept her sister alive for Christ's sake. For many years longer than any doctor anticipated! So you could sit there and look down on me but until you're in the same situation as me you have NO RIGHT to judge. i couldn't just sit there and let nature run its course i wouldn't have been satisfied if i didn't make it my absolute priority to keep my daughter alive.

Q: In the film your daughters illness put a lot of strain on your marriage - is everything okay now?

A: My husband Brian felt the same as me when we found out about Kate's illness. And like me he was determined to beat the cancer. However, as the years went on and Anna was born and growing up - we both knew Kate was becoming sicker and sicker. Not just the marriage but the family in general suffered a strain. Kate was a breath of fresh air to be around. And to know my baby girl, my innocent baby girl was dying over something way out of nayones control made things a whole lot worse. What with Kate gone now (sobbing) it has brought the family closer as we cherish the time we have left. Although, no kind of pain can compare to that of losing a child. No amount of pain. In answer to your question though yes everything is fine between my husband and i - we just wish this unfortunate occurrence hadn't hit our family.

Character Motivation - PETER PAN

In order to create my own successful characters i analysed existing ones that could have an unexpected backstory. So to shake things up a bit i made up some interview questions and answered them a lot more twisted than people would think the answers would be. This then gave Peter Pan a completely different depth to his character which i think is very clever.

Q: In your film, you live by the idea of never growing up, why is this?

A: well why grow up when being a kid is so much fun? you have no real responsibilities, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do and you're your own person - not what your parents want you to be.

Q: you appear to have no parents in the film though so why would that be an issue?

A: I'd rather not talk about my parents if you don't mind...

Q: Well, i think it would help me understand your character more if we could talk about your upbringing...?

A: my parents didn't love me; is that a good enough understanding?

Q: I'm dreadfully sorry Mr. Pan but how do you know this? every parent loves their child even if they do not show it that often? what gives you this horrid assumption?

A: it's no assumption! my dad would beat me for making up stories and wanting to live in Neverland - he didn't believe in fairies and the lost boys and so tried to hit it out of me. i wasn't like a regular kid i didn't pay attention in school i was way too wrapped in my own imagination because that's the only place that was safe. My mum? didn't even try and stop him. Not once. Niether of them loved me. So i went to a land where that wouldn't matter.

Q: So when you arrived in Neverland how did you become such a well known person? Among the pirates, Indians and mermaids? they all love and appreciate you in the film?

A: exactly. they all love me because they appreciate my imagination and creativity. That's why i have always wanted to live in Neverland. i was never a bad kid just not normal in my dads eyes was all.

Q: so what about now? do you still live in Neverland?

A: yep sure do! and that's where I'll always live - it's where i belong :)

Thursday 23 September 2010

The Other Guys Poster

Themes of the Fall in everyday life

Girl, 8, falls 150ft to her death after leaning out of window to chat to friend

An eight-year-old girl plunged about 150ft to her death from a tower block as she tried to talk to a friend.
Leanne Minick was leaning out of her bedroom window when she tumbled out of her flat on the 15th floor and landed on the pavement below.
Passers-by were alerted by the screaming of her mother Claire Sicberras.
The housewife and her partner, Ian Whitmore, were quickly on the scene and have been left heartbroken by her death.

A neighbour and friend of the family said Leanne had been trying to talk to a friend on the ground when she fell from the block in Bow, East London.
She said: ‘I heard shouting outside, looked out my window and saw Leanne’s mum and dad downstairs.

Leanne fell from her bedroom window. She was leaning out talking to somebody, got too confident and fell.’
A passer-by alerted emergency services. Leanne was taken by helicopter to the Royal London Hospital but was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.
A friend of the family said he was alerted to the accident after hearing Leanne’s mother sobbing outside.
The 34-year-old said: ‘I heard her mum screaming and looked out of the window and then saw her body lying on the ground.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

The day Esther and i went on a journey of discovery!

Walking around school trying to capture interesting images felt like fun rather than an assigned task. However, making a story with characters and themes will prove to be a lot harder! I am happy with the images we were able to get and i feel that i am really growing as a student of more film production than media studies! I really feel like im learning during this coursework rather than "just making a film."

Thursday 16 September 2010


In class we watched a very interesting film directed by Robert Lepage called "Far side of the moon" and there was a particular scene where he stacked numerous items to form the shape of a rocket. Shortly after this he used numerous graphic matches to flow into other scenes. i thought this was extremely clever and to document the film in my own way and present it on my blog, i re-created a pretend rocket of my own using an empty glass, ketchup, salt and pepper alongside a toothpick for the tip of the space craft. Not quite the same as Lepages' vision but this is my tribute to it :)


I noticed the composition of this lamp on top of a cupboard and tried to line up the shot so it enforced a calming and organised mood. The crystal door handle looked bigger and more detailed taken close up.


I really liked the colour and detail of these objects and taking a high angle shot of the flowers made the colours stand out whilst an extreme close up of the rose emphasised the detail.


For this part of my creativity overload, i focused on lighting and the making of shadows to form pictures. Rather than taking stills of simple objects i looked at the shadows they created and really liked the outcomes.


The picture on the right is of a simple red candle that has been burned and made a little opening. The picture below is one i took after inserting my camer lense into the opening and it looks distorted and completely different. I found this very interesting how one object can look worlds a part if shot in a different way!

This is a picture of a bowl turned upside down however from the low angle i took the picture from, it appears to me to look almost like a volcano; due to the colouring and shape it has formed in correlation to the frame.

These pictures focused on taking an everday object nd making it look completely different. Practising this skill will be to my advantage when it comes to making our own film as i can apply the technique.



A glass in a different light...

This is the inside of an empty vase but the way in which the flash of my camera hit the glass, the lighting makes it seem as if there's actually water in there and some of the glass seems a bumpy texture compared to the rest of it.

All of these images are helping me to see things interestingly and this will benefit my film as i can arrange shots to be out of the ordinary. In addition to this, i became comfortable with the camera and actually enjoyed capturing numerous images.

Monday 13 September 2010

Our summer turned into fall...

One of my favourite songs of this summer is by an R&B singer named Drake and the song is called July. It is about a man and a woman falling in love and having a summer romance but the woman says a particular line that suggests the timing for their love is completely wrong for them both... "It's just not our season, the one and only reason baby oh baby oh our summer turned into fall." This line made me think of a love story that follows a summer romance full of fun, adventure and excitement that sadly has to end when the leaves on the trees begin to fall in autumn. To show this i would have a montage of motion picture at numerous points of the summer. Maybe a picnic in the park of the two lovers flirting, walking along, a close up of them holding hands etc. So this isn't as cheesy as i may be making it sound, i would choose to have the male character in an Army outfit saying goodbye to his loved one when the summer is over.
Another song that inspired me to do this is one by Green Day called "Wake me up when spetember ends." the video to this song illustrates a couple going through the strains of the male being away at war throughout september whilst the girl is heartbroken to let him go.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Falling Pregnant
For this idea i thought it would be interesting to follow a woman through the stages of pregnancy. If filmed the way i picture it in my head it would be a fun home made video with original music playing throughout. A pregnancy lasts 9 months and depicting the most important, stressful, happiest and most painful parts of those 9 months would make the story exciting and intriguing.
The reason for me naming it Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is to twist the ideas that pregnancy is an emotional and hormonal roller coaster!


An interesting story i found when researching already existing ones is the falling man. He jumped out of the world trade centre during the terrorist attacks of the 11th of September 2001. It has been said that his identity is still unknown but he jumped from the North Tower where one of the planes had hit. He jumped to his death to escape the fire and smoke although obviously didn't survive. This death was classified as a homicide not suicide as a 'jumper' is one that would come to the office that day with the knowledge that they were going to commit suicide. He was forced out of the building through panic and terror. This picture is deceptive; it gives the impression the man is falling straight down. In reality, this is just one of a dozen photographs of his fall. In the other photos, it is evident that he is tumbling through the air out of control. The photographer has noted that, in at least two cases, newspaper stories commenting on the image have attracted a lot of criticism from readers who have found the image disturbing. I feel that it is indeed shocking but more so because it is a real life image from the world in which we live today.

Down and Out

Following the guidance of a simple idea executed brilliantly i would portray the fall through society by using point of view takes for the entire film. Having point of view shots showing the camera go to numerous members of society and they all giving the camera odd looks and dirty looks before the camera turns to its reflection to reveal they're actually a homeless person.

Abiding by the same concept of a fall through society i would depict the literal drop through occupations. In my mind i picture it outside of a train station or even at a bus stop. People passing by and coming and going in a busy environment from all walks of life. Focusing on at first a businessman, then someone in a shop uniform, followed by a maintenance worker in a flourescent yellow jacket and then finally leading to a tramp begging for change.

Actually following each occupational man from the idea previous but doing it in one long take - the businessman followed to the train station and the shop worker coming out. Following the shop worker down the road where a builder is working that will then lead to a man in a green uniform collecting litter with a litter pick which he will then walk past shops with a homeless person sitting outside.

The Final Fall

Through the inspiration and emotion i felt for the film 'My Sister's Keeper' i thought of the idea of falling ill to be a good starting point for my short film. This is because it has to be a silent film and so moving instrumental music can work well with the overall atmosphere and tone of my film.
Following Robert McKees advice focusing on the action and reaction of the characters the audience would be pulled into the world of a family affected by a horrible illness that is fatal for the patient. For this to be emotional but not boring or unsuccessful i would picture a young girl/boy in a hospital bed surrounded by their family members all upset and silent. i would use point of view shots and wide shots to illustrate the closeness of the family. for sound i would use diegetic on screen sound of a heart monitor beeping at a regular rate and to make the film more interesting i would incorporate flashbacks everytime the ill patient looked at another family member and the flashback would contain their favourite memory with that person.

How can stories be told...?

The Uninvited (2009)
This film begins with a girl named Anna who is staying in a mental institue for trying to kill herself. The reason why she tried to kill herself is because she is going through depression and greif after her mothers death. The way the story is illustrated to the audience is genius in tricking them to believe one thing but then unravels the truth at the end. The whole way through this film i thought it was so predictable and obvious that the 'evil stepmother character' was responsible for Anna's mothers death however due to the fact that Anna was in a mental house at the beginning of the film i really should have questioned her reliability further!

Inception (2010)
In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job till date, Inception.
Inception is the art of planting an idea in ones mind and convincing them it was their own idea. By doing this in a dream, when they awaken it will seem like it was all down to their own creativity and imagination. This is one of the most amzing films i have ever seen due to the fact its told through dreams. A dream within a dream, within a dream, within a dream to be precise :)

How can stories be told...?

Through music and song lyrics a story can be told. One of my personal favourites is the song Fast Car by Tracy Chapman.

How can stories be told...?

Robert McKee is famous for his story seminars guiding individuals on how to write successful stories. Robert McKee's "Story Structure" is the world's ultimate story and screenwriting class because it effectively demonstrates the relationship between Story Design and Character. Using examples from over 100 films, Robert McKee demonstrates that structure and design are about form and principles, that structure is not plot, rigid rules, formulas or "Hollywood" movies.
McKee's advice tells us to follow actions and reactions of the characters and to highlight the impact of incidents on the characters. As oppose to focusing entirely on a strong plot.

"Story is what elevates a movie - turning a good one into a great one"

What does "the fall" mean to me?

Falling in love ♥

"Love is a fire. It will either warm your heart or burn you to nothing."

Rather than thinking of a cliche romance storyline that will make me feel sick, i would prefer to focus on falling out of love as i feel this could be far more interesting :) Like Romeo and Juliet a love story that ends in tragedy as oppose to an unrealistic fairytale following two people falling head over heels in love with each other.


Love Quotes | Forward this Picture

What does "the fall" mean to me?

Have you ever been asleep and felt like you're falling? Or been asleep and woken yourself up because your body moved in real life? For me, it's a horrible experience waking up from a dream because you think you've fallen and so i decided to research falling dreams to get the true message behind it.
One theory is that in your waking life you are facing anxiety and insecurities and so have restless dreams when sleeping. Another is that your brain is more relaxed than the muscles in your body and so you face muscle spasms. Now in your head you may think you've fallen or been hurt but your body is still functioning and so you may experience a jerk that wakes you up.
I think its so interesting how our mind works and illustrating a story in a dream through falling asleep could make my film enter any kind of world i would want it - after all a dream is a figment of the imagination in itself!

What does "the fall" mean to me?

Personally, the most emotional tug on the word "fall" is to fall ill. Over the summer i watched a film called "my sister's keeper" and it is without a doubt the saddest, most heart warming film i have ever watched. One scene in particular illustrates the ill character (dying of cancer) wanting to go to the beach as she knows she hasn't got long left to live... The emotive music corresponding with the images on screen makes the scene so powerful without a single bit of dialogue. As well as this, the fact that the audience knows cancer effects so many families in real life makes the theme of falling ill even more touching.

What does "the fall" mean to me?


According to Greek mythology, the fall of Icarus (the son of a craftsman named Daedalus) is a story about his attempted escape from Crete in Greece via wings made by his father. The wings were attached to his body by wax and his father warned him not to fly too close to the sun or else the wax will melt and he will not be able to fly anymore. Although, when Icarus is in the air gliding across Greece he forgets his fathers vital advice and gets closer to the sun. The wax melts like his father predicted and he falls to the sea where he drowns to death. From this old myth, i feel the moral is to have fun without it turning into danger and i feel this is a very interesting and different story that could inspire my film for my coursework.


152 locations, 24 countries, almighty scenes of pure motion picure, no narrative.

2001: A space odyssey







d i s c o v e r y



- Stanley Kubrick's 2001: a space odyssey -

Merely through the opening of this film the inspiring music impacts the audience to want to proceed watching. This iconic opening to a film is enticing and instantly gives the audience an empowering feeling - persuading them to stay tuned in.

Silent Films - BFI Mediatheque

As a media class we visited the BFI (British Film Institute) which is the home of the world's richest and most significant collection of film and television. The BFI National Archive preserves almost one million titles.
Here we researched as many silent films as we could in order to get a feel of how they're made and what makes them successful.

A Cottage on Dartmoor (1929)
This is a thrilling silent film directed by Anthony Asquith.
It follows the story of an obsessive Barber's assistant and his attempt to win over the heart of a customers' wife. The opening images are of a silhouette of a man running up and down hills and through countryside whilst fast paced piano and violin music accompanies the on screen images. This automatically gives a chilling feeling as he is clearly running to or from something and as the music gets faster and more high pitched the audience becomes uneasy.
Cleverly, there are minimal written screens used; the majority of the motion picture is narrated throught the tone and speed of its soundtrack. The most interesting scene for me was towards the end of the film where the madman is seen by the police and shot at, a cut away of waves crashing against rocks is used for dramatic affect.


Another painting that we did not study as a class at the gallery but one that i was particularly drawn to was by Egbert Van der Pol. The picture showed death and destruction among a town or village however two thirds of the image is a cloudy, smokey sky. Even now i do not fully understand why the artist chose to do this but i belive it was to illustrate how peaceful death can be. It seems to me that the artist didn't want to focus on the detail of the incident in the picture but more the calming conclusion that could be death. In addition to this, the idea that heaven is in the sky and that's where you go to when you die (if you're lucky and faithful =P) and so by making the majority of the painting the sky - he is suggesting that a lot of people died here. A simple idea - executed brilliantly.


Due to the fact our film has to be a silent one, as a class, we went to the National Gallery of Art in Trafalgar Square. This helped us to observe and decode paintings to unravel the story behind them. Through this we could learn and understand more innovative ways to tell a story without the use of excessive dialogue.
We saw a painting called The Ambassadors by Holbein and at first glance it seems simple and old fashioned however when we began to analyse the elements of the work new associations surfaced. On the left a person who seems to be a monarch of some sort or at least someone of very high importance and on the right, due to his collar possibly a priest or vicar but definitely someone who represents religion within the picture. It is my belief that the picture was set up in this way to present opposites and make the viewer question their significance. As i continued to evaluate the painting and the objects on the table between the two men, i believed my conclusion even more. On top of the table are objects, such as a globe, that show knowledge, exploration and discovery. In contrast to this, below on the second level of the table there is a guitar and a fiddle alongside an open book. I therefore assume these items to be more recreational. Relating back to the idea of opposites and contrasts. So overall, the painting portrays two men of different social status but both showing importance differently, hidden meanings behind inanimate objects that actually depict the message that to have an education and knowledge is much more the prioity in life than to have fun! That is why the utenciles used for learning were on the top of the table. From one image i can see a million messages and this helped me to feel more confident about making a silent film - something i have never attempted to do before.

What does "the fall" mean to me?

On instinct it screams literally falling over. However, when i consider this phrase in a lot more depth - similar to silence it can have a lot of meanings and generate a lot of very different ideas.
A film called The Fall (2006) directed by Tarsem Singh follows the story of an injured stuntman telling a little girl with a broken arm, a fantastical story about 5 mythical heroes. Thanks to his fractured state of mind and her vivid imagination, the line between fiction and reality starts to blur as the tale proceeds. The intriguing thing about this film is that not only is the storyline interesting and very clever in the way it's thought out, but the content of the shots are breath taking.

In this film, the theme of the fall represents a physical and mental decline due to events affecting the characters. The injured stuntman physically falls from a bridge whilst shooting a film and this incident leaves him paralysed; which then takes its toll on his mental stability as he becomes depressed and wishes to commit suicide.
For me, this is the most extreme execution of the fall as it could result in death however i find it interesting and feel it could open a lot of doors when considering a story for my film.

Thursday 9 September 2010


For our A2 media studies coursework we are required to make a short silent film on the theme of THE FALL.

In order to make a successful silent film i had to first look at the meaning of the word in numerous contexts. I found that silence can have a lot of representations!

- Boredom
- suspense
- Fear
- Awkwardness
- The passing of time
- Comedy

"silence is the one thing that can be broken by a single sound"

Taking these themes into consideration, i can now generate what feeling i want my audience to have whilst watching my film. Knowing this, i can determine a genre and storyline based on these themes.